回复 :一个生活在90年代日本的中国家庭,父母努力地经营和维持着在他乡的生活。年幼的孩子也入读了当地的幼儿园。一切都好像风平浪静。却因为在上海生活的爷爷的突然造访,打破了原有的平静。
回复 :罗曼(丹尼·伯恩 Dany Boon 饰)是一位医疗咨询师,年过四十的他没有家庭亦没有爱人,甚至连和女性接触的经验也寥寥无几,只因为他患有洁癖和恐女症。迪米特(凯德·麦拉德 Kad Merad 饰)是罗曼唯一的朋友,同时亦是一名心理医生,他将好友的“病情”看在眼里,急在心上。为了能让罗曼过上正常的生活,迪米特替罗曼设计了一整套的“治疗方案”,然而,这一连串的改造计划非但没能让罗曼“重回正轨”,反而引起了一大堆的笑话和麻烦。某日,一位名叫安娜(爱丽丝·波尔 Alice Pol 饰)的美丽姑娘出现在了罗曼的身边,这或许是罗曼摆脱单身的唯一一次机会了,那么,我们的罗曼能否将它紧紧抓牢呢?
回复 :Follows a group of girlfriends from Assam and Meghalaya, north-eastern states in India, gathering in the back streets of Delhi to throw a secret wedding party for a soon-to-be bride. Terrorised by their rottweiler of a landlady and with their boyfriends utterly useless as help, the group's already disorganized plans soon go further awry. As the women cook the traditional Axone wedding stew (a pork stew with pungent local herbs), neighbors complain about its powerful smell. However, they are determined to prepare the aromatic dish. With the challenges brought on by cultural difference and the pressures of being migrants in a seemingly unfriendly city, is food and love enough to save the day?