回复 :When F.B.I. Agent Zack Grant's partner is killed during a blown-up operation, he attempts to find the person responsible. Mafiaso Frank Serlano believes Zack is responsible for his only sons death in the same operation and kidnaps Zacks son to hold as bait. The action gets wild when airline stewardess Mary is taken hostage to add what seems an another insurmountable problem for Zack. There appears to be No Way Out.
回复 :王鍾初次執導《金手指》,叫人刮目相看。繼承了張徹陽剛勇猛的電影風格,將男性情誼發揮成新一代警隊精神。「金手指」意指向警方告密的線人。販毒集團殺害線人啞巴。警方找到啞巴的好友李修賢作臥底,修為友報仇,甘冒險挺身與警方合作,提供線索,追查真兇,最後找出集團主腦,卻是另有其人。八十年代,市民做證人的題材,非常大膽,《金手指》開創寫實警匪片的電影主流,直接影響李修賢後來執導的《公僕》和《皇家飯》。王鍾處理飛車鎗戰場面,火爆刺激,故事峰迴路轉,節奏明快。
回复 :朱莉娅·奥蒙德将主演杰克·马哈菲执导([神迹男孩])惊悚片[重聚](Reunion,暂译)。影片讲述了一对母女打包出售老房子的故事,随着超自然现象发生,女儿必须面对她的家系带来的创伤。本片目前已在惠灵顿开拍。