回复 :The women who married Henry VIII have become definednot by the way they lived but by the way their lives ended.They are seen as victims of a bloated tyrant, deserving pity, but notrespect. However, have we under-estimated them and are historians right tohave merely portrayed them as bit-part players in Henry's story?Using dramatic reconstruction and passionate narration,eminent historian and presenter Dr David Starkey focuseson the stories of the women themselves, revealing inintimate detail their experiences of sex, childbirth and the glamorous,dangerous life at court, including the deadly intrigues that dethronedthem.
回复 :为韩国O'live和tvN频道播放的综艺节目,由《强心脏》朴尚赫导演执导,而由姜镐童、李寿根、李沇熹[1][2][3]共同主持,节目将邀请艺人或明星担任嘉宾,前往指定岛屿并与该岛居民共同生活一周的点点滴滴与生活小故事为主轴。
回复 :萬聖節當然要扮鬼扮馬,節慶臨近,不如先辦個萬聖節感謝祭,讓大家可參考獎老們的特別造型,為十月尾的派對取靈感,同時亦可透過網購平台提供的優惠價,買來心頭好!參與這場感謝祭的嘉賓有黎諾懿、戴祖儀、賴慰玲、劉穎鏇、梁超怡和關楓馨,至於對家則是同門藝人陳家樂、泳兒、何珮瑜、沈震軒、李靖筠與曾樂彤,雙方對陣會激發出甚麼結果?最重要還是過程爆笑,讓觀眾看得開心過癮!