回复 :一支乐队无意间发现帕格尼尼的乐谱,决定要演奏并录制。这时帕格尼尼的灵魂出现,接着悲剧就开始发生了……
回复 :Even today, in order to create a sculpture in bronze, it is necessary to take the same steps taken in the fifth century BC for the Riace bronzes. These steps are not taught in school, but are passed on in the ancient oral tradition and through apprenticeships from artisans. This documentary is a way to observe and feel the work of a 100-year old bronze foundry in Italy: a place were past and present share the same gestures and where each gesture it's a sculpture itself.
回复 :讲述了只在晚上才能看到东西的盲人针灸师偶然目击王世子的死亡,为揭露事实真相而孤军奋战的故事,刘海镇饰演了因丧子之痛而逐渐失去理智的国王,而柳俊烈则饰演了只有在晚上才能看到东西的盲人针灸师。