回复 :3个覆面少年打破社会常态,破坏“世界”的故事,今秋日本艺术院线公映。
回复 :Living with my friend and his wife! The three of us!Ji-soo and Joon-yeong have been married for 5 years. Unlike the first few years of marriage, Joon-yeong is terrified at the sound of Ji-soo taking a shower. However, Ji-soo advances on Joon-yeong more and more because she wants to have children. Meanwhile, Ji-soo's best friend Yoon-kyeong comes back from the Philippines and spends a few days with the couple. Joon-yeong feels his manhood reacting when he see's the young-looking and sexy friend of his wife's...
回复 :因一场电梯意外,钢铁直男胡铁男(常远 饰)意外进入一个“错位”世界,昔日成功学大师胡铁男变身“全职家庭主夫”,老酒友聚会变成下午茶比美大会,层出不穷的反差让胡铁男着实无法忍受。面对颠倒错乱的世界,胡铁男在“鸡飞狗跳”的生活中体验了真正的“换位”,终于从对妻子的忽视逐渐变成感同身受,终于明白了妻子的默默付出与不易,明白了“爱”的真义……