魔戒A circus operator and his gymnast friends belonging to a big circus company 'juggle' with their lives and try to bring back the extinct circus culture to the public.
魔戒A circus operator and his gymnast friends belonging to a big circus company 'juggle' with their lives and try to bring back the extinct circus culture to the public.
回复 :20世纪初,大清王朝气数已尽,各路军阀连年混战,拥兵自重,上演了一个又一个的逐鹿之争。时有直隶镇守使雷大牛(刘青云 饰)凭借旁门左道的刘昆山(吴刚 饰)大肆招募兵马,不断壮大,外有重兵,内有美眷,加上居心叵测的日本人大力扶持,正是春风得意时。与此同时,京城来了神秘的魔术师张贤(梁朝伟 饰),他凭借令人拍案叫绝、神乎其神的技艺绝倒京城,自然连雷大牛也早有耳闻。殊不知张贤是大牛的七姨太柳荫(周迅 饰)的青梅竹马,当年他外出求学时爱人被大牛掳走,抱憾终身,此外他还隶属某个神秘的组织,该组织时刻图谋绑架牛司令。在这个纷争乱世,张贤将上演怎样令人叹服感慨的魔术呢……本片根据张海帆的同名小说改编。
回复 :从看到阿曼达(克里斯蒂娜·里奇 Christina Ricci 饰)第一眼起,杰瑞(贾森·比格斯 Jason Biggs 饰)就深深的爱上了她,尽管此时的杰瑞身边已有佳人相伴而阿曼达亦名花有主,但这残酷的事实依旧无法阻挡杰瑞渴求阿曼达的心。并且,撇开世俗道德不谈,两人也确实是天设地造的一对。就这样,都并非“自由身”的两人走到了一起,而他们之间的私情很快就东窗事发了,杰瑞的女友和阿曼达的男友选择退出,杰瑞终于可以名正言顺的和阿曼达出双入对了。如果你以为故事到这里就结束了那可真是大错特错,好不容易在一起的杰瑞和阿曼达之间发生了巨大的分歧和矛盾,两人之间的感情眼看着岌岌可危,为此,杰瑞向自己的导师大卫(伍迪·艾伦 Woody Allen 饰)求助,殊不知,这个在自己眼中无坚不摧的男人,在生活上其实也千疮百孔。
回复 :"Behind Cut" tells the story of two men working towards their dreams together. The story revolves around Ki Jin, a design student with aspirations to become a world-famous designer, and Yeong Woo, who works part-time as a delivery man with a bright personality, and their struggles of work and love. Korea's top model Lee Bin comes into the picture and is expected to give the story a heart aching love triangle.