本剧改编自阿加莎·克里斯蒂同名小说《悬崖上的谋杀》。故事讲述当地牧师的儿子Bobby Jones和他机灵的社交名媛朋友Frances “Frankie” Derwent发现了一个奄奄一息的男人,亚洲临死前嘟囔着“他们怎么不去找Evans”,亚洲两人由此踏上了破案之路。带着从男人口袋里找到的年轻女子照片,两名业余侦探追寻着谜团背后的答案,也被谜团所追赶。
本剧改编自阿加莎·克里斯蒂同名小说《悬崖上的谋杀》。故事讲述当地牧师的儿子Bobby Jones和他机灵的社交名媛朋友Frances “Frankie” Derwent发现了一个奄奄一息的男人,亚洲临死前嘟囔着“他们怎么不去找Evans”,亚洲两人由此踏上了破案之路。带着从男人口袋里找到的年轻女子照片,两名业余侦探追寻着谜团背后的答案,也被谜团所追赶。
回复 :改编自同名漫画。讲述了一个热爱做饭的女人和一个热爱吃饭的女人相遇后,建立起一种特殊的关系。通过她们的日常生活和交流,来表达一些关于女性的社会问题以及女性之间的感情。
回复 :Filming has started on BBC Two’s critically acclaimed drama The Last Kingdom, from Carnival Films. The second series, adapted by BAFTA-nominated and RTS award-winning writer Stephen Butchard from Bernard Cornwell’s bestselling series of novels, is to return to BBC Two next year, with Netflix joining as a co-production partner.The emotionally complex and compelling landscape of revenge, rivalry, hostility, corruption, love, sex, loyalty and friendship, forms the backdrop to a gripping adventure based on Cornwell's novels, The Lords Of The North and Sword Song – part of the hugely popular bestselling franchise The Last Kingdom.Set in the year 878, the second series returns as fearless and instinctive warrior Uhtred continues his fight for his native land of Northumbria. Uhtred, having given his sword to King Alfred, despite his upbringing by the invading pagan Danes, embarks on his voyage north to reclaim his own fate: to avenge Earl Ragnar’s death and recapture his ancestral lands of Bebbanburg.Alfred’s conviction to create a united England is stronger than ever, and he sets his sights on the wild lands of the north, which have fallen into chaos and rebellion. It is a dangerous time for Saxon and Dane alike, but Alfred champions a new king - a Christian Dane - to unite the tribes. However, this king has been enslaved, and Uhtred becomes embroiled in a rescue mission, which brings him face to face with an enemy of old.
回复 :他是一个很普通的人,有妻子,有女儿,面临下岗危机。 他是一个有福气的人,再就业,当保姆,继承大所房产。 赵公是一个很普通又很特别的人,比如,他像普通人一样,有一位妻子,叫林娜,林娜眼神儿不好,常区分不出来哪是电线杆子哪是人;他有一个女儿,叫雯雯,很聪明,时常聪明过了头;他还有一个常来家里走动的妻妹——林娜的表妹,叫晓华,是电视台的编导兼主持人,才貌双全又没心没肺。 赵公像很多人一样很善良,不同的是他从来都没有意识过自己的善良…… 有一天,赵公下岗了,下岗的当天,他就进了职业介绍所,不久,就得到了一个给人家当男保姆的工作。赵公服务的对象是一位八十多岁的老爷子——黄老先生。黄老先生无儿无女,却有一大院房子,据说还是当年什么王爷住过的。 给黄老先生看病的王大夫费尽心机想得到这院房子,结果什么也没有得到,应了那句“傻人有傻福”的话,黄老先生将一大院房子留给了从未算计过自己的赵公一家。 自打有了这院房子,赵公一家的生活变得热闹起来,总有各种心怀叵测的人走进这院子。作为房东,赵公对所有到来的人都热心相助,从不设防。无论身边曾经发生过多少险恶,赵公始终浑然不觉,而且,还总能够歪打正着,不战而胜……