回复 :The film begins with the title Chorokbam filling the screen, which is amazing to see. This is the very moment at which the audience decides to trust this film without hesitation. In terms of how to fill and empty the square frame, the film is bold and skillful. Chorok, meaning green in English, is the color of fate in this movie. The problems of all the family members a hopeless father who works as a night guard, a mother who is completely exhausted with house works, a poor son who works for the disabled and their funeral ceremony are all dominated by the color, green. It is not bright or fancy but dark and scary in some sense. With attractive images and scenes, the film develops a series of worldly episodes of a family up to the level of poetic sentiment of blues and depression. (JUNG Hanseok)
回复 :美丽的甘川歌江(小川亜佐美 饰)和殿宫爱子(飛鳥裕子 饰)是某贵族私立女子高中的学生,她们也是一对非常要好的朋友。歌江因为身体素质良好,且性格单纯木讷,因此被同学和老师嘲笑为火星人。爱子是她唯一的朋友,长久的相处也让她们渐生暧昧情愫。即使这份情感不被允许,却也比成人的世 界纯洁高尚许多。歌江被道貌岸然的校长森栖里造(桑山正一 饰)骗去贞操,不久得知校长一向善于此项苟且行为,好友爱子更是森栖的私生女。爱子得知身世之余,更知晓校长和老师们许多龌龊之事。少女们的心中充满悲苦和愤恨……本片根据梦野久作的原作改编,是梦野久作首部被拍成电影的作品。
回复 :纪录片《唐顿庄园中的礼仪》由《唐顿庄园》的历史顾问Alastair Bruce讲述《唐顿庄园》如何准确还原爱德华时期的人们的生活,包括餐桌礼仪、婚姻、行为举止、着装等。