回复 :John Forbes is a family man who's tired of the 9 to 5 humdrum of his job an insurance company executive. Life gets a little more exciting for him when he calls upon femme fatale Mona Stevens. Her boyfriend has embezzled from a store insured by Forbes' company and has showered her with gifts using the loot. Forbes comes to collect the ill-gotten gifts, but the boyfriend is in jail, and Forbes falls hard for Mona and begins an affair. The only problem is that MacDonald, a private dick who freelances for the insurance company, has had his eyes on Mona first. The obsessed MacDonald turns the soon-to-be-released boyfriend against Forbes.
回复 :改编自小说家安石榴的同名短篇作品,曾英庭执导。故事讲述一个不善表达情感的家庭,在儿子突然骤世后,女儿搬到外面租屋,父亲始终和颜悦色,而母亲开始在街头喂食流浪猫,让猫成为内心的支柱与动力。八年后的团圆,3人要如何走出伤痛...
回复 :白雪公主依然活着,并且和王子一起过着幸福快乐的生活的消息不胫而走,传入了邪恶的王后耳中,一心想要铲除白雪公主的王后怒火中烧,她找到了烈火巫师,与其合谋,企图再一次置白雪公主于死地。某日,白雪公主和王子收到了矮人邀请他们参加聚会的消息,然而,发送这条消息的,却是王后本人。不知情的白雪公主和王子来到了聚会地点,遭到了敌人的袭击,最终,王子被抓成为了俘虏,白雪公主则在意外之中跌落瀑布。幸运的是,白雪公主得到了矮人的帮助,她决定同矮人合作,一起踏上了解救王子的旅途。最终,白雪公主能否揭露王后的阴谋,顺利救出心上人呢?