回复 :新总经理的欢迎会上,众人一片欢呼,而当新经理缓缓转过身……居然是只穿睡袍、风情万种的魅惑模样?!—— 林雪浓(林小宅 饰)又一次从尴尬春梦中惊醒。作为一个坚持不婚不恋独身主义的佛系打工人,林雪浓的平静生活由于新总经理周衡(管栎 饰)的到来,彻底被粉碎……
回复 :Focusing on four of the leading chefs in Japan today, this documentary explores the truth behind Japan's unique and sophisticated food culture. Each takes meticulous care of their own dishes in pursuit of perfection, but their approaches are quite different, even contrasting. With different sets of roots and beliefs, some pursue spiritual cultivation or aesthetic creativity, while the others seek high-quality ingredients by building close relationships with local suppliers. How do their personalities and struggles result in their masterpieces? World-renowned food experts and gastronomists also guide the audience into the further depths of the stories behind the chefs' endless pursuit. Through these four chefs, you’ll learn that Tokyo is one of the world’s greatest food cities.
回复 :聚焦一对英国夫妇丽芙和威尔,他们似乎拥有一切:坚如磐石的婚姻,在远离家乡几千英里的纽约过着光鲜的新生活,他们还很年轻,觉得自己的人生还在前面,直到丽芙发现了威尔的婚外情。心碎之后很快就会出现另一种情绪:愤怒,复仇是她唯一的选择。当威尔提议环游美国史诗国家公园、给他们的关系一个新的开始时,丽芙知道她的机会来了,一个梦想的假期和原本应该幸福的生活很快变成了现实中的噩梦。