回复 :Desdemona lives on an isolated island with her strange family: her father Mario, her stepmother Dulcinea and her mentally challenged sister Paulova. As the only inhabitants on the island loneliness and desolation engulf all members of her family. Desdemona tries to ward off her boredom by taking long walks along the beach or engaging in acts of self-gratification. She often tries to seduce her own father Mario to engage in acts of a sexual nature. Their daily routine is interrupted by the arrival (by boat) of a robust male stranger who brings friction into Desdemona's family.
回复 :世界上又多了一个杀人不眨眼的冷血杀手,注定又将引起一场惊涛骇浪。绰号金枪人的职业杀手几乎百发百中,没有他完成不了的任务,由此成为世界各恐怖组织争相高酬聘请的对象。同一时间,英国军方为了取回可将太阳能95%转化的高效率太阳能转化器(万一这种厉害的武器落入恐怖分子手中后果不堪设想),007邦德(罗杰•摩尔 Roger Moore 饰)奉命出动了。恐怖组织为了阻止007的行动,高薪聘请了金枪人来对付007。最终鹿死谁手,007又能否顺利完成任务?
回复 :十二岁男孩Tomáš终日拿着照相机当玩具,除了拍学校和女生之外,当然还包括爸妈和自己的家。他偷藏镜头偷拍爸爸,却逐步揭露成人世界的秘密。他的死党Haris同样机不离手,不过却是借镜头之助躲开暴力爸爸。八十后捷克演员Jiří Mádl初次执导,找来两个活泼讨喜的鬼灵精男孩,以十二岁的视觉感知世界,在简朴小镇的明媚阳光下,拍出孩子的天真、成长的苦涩,还有哥儿们的手足情义。