回复 : 讲述了琴子白天是不卖座的模特,晚上是头牌陪酒女。这样的一个女孩没能与自己喜欢的人发生关系却与别人发生了关系的故事。
回复 :来自美国中西部的洛伊·福勒是一位在巴黎歌剧院跳舞的舞女,能成为美好年代时期的符号人物,并非命中注定。在追求完美舞姿的道路上她从未退缩,即便是冒着后背拉伤、灯光灼眼的巨大威胁。但她和伊萨多·邓肯的相遇,这个对荣誉有着狂热追求的天才将会使洛伊·福勒失去一切。
回复 :A once promising baseball star is constantly hunted by two hitmen when a young boy asks him to sell his baseball jacket. A high school student acquires a sleep control device to help him with his exams, and ends up getting more acquainted with the seller in the process. A prison guard buys a guitar and plays one last song with a rock band after he finds out that his number has been called up… to be an executioner. An English tutor and amateur journalist investigating a murder case makes an offer to gain information on the involvement of … a once promising baseball star.GOOD DEAL is a woven tapestry of the interconnected lives of people striving through the day-to-day of contemporary Korean society. Quite a spectrum of themes are covered: romance, crime, sports, famly, work, and even Russian literature! As each of its characters seek to make a “deal” with another person to help them stay ahead or even stay alive, they find their interactions much more involved and complex than they first thought. Written and directed by Cho Kyuong-ho, the film mixes wickedly dark humor and sincere sentimentality through its interwoven yet still seamlessly linear style of storytelling.