回复 :An English dowager's new secretary is drugged by her son and told she's his wife.
回复 :On the outskirts of Barcelona, a farmer and his herd live next door to a hi-tech lab that does animal testing. The farmer—who is suffering from a bone disease—witnesses the disappearance of his profession, while the scientists are busier than ever. With humour and elegance, Fauna intertwines the world of humans, animals and science during pandemic times.源自:https://www.visionsd...
回复 :该⽚讲述⼀个被遗弃的孩⼦和⼀对性格迥异的孪⽣姐妹之间⼈性与亲情、私欲与感情、质朴与浮华的个性 对⽐,秦⽑⽑带着疑惑,凭着记忆回⼭村,追忆着童年,母⼦俩悲欢离合,终于回归了那个幸福温馨,充 满欢声笑语的世界。