回复 :讲述一个秘密的特种部队的故事;呼叫信号“风暴使者”。在第一部电影(山 Dağ)的巴吉尔和奥古兹事件之后,不一定有把握的最好的朋友,已经报名参加世界闻名,永远艰苦的土耳其特种部队训练。他们的第一次任务是六年后开始的——渗透到现代伊拉克最野蛮的地区进行救援。
回复 :在五十年代的冷战期,非美活动调查委员会,用各种方法追查美国电影圈的共党同路人,并逼迫电影人出卖别人的姓名,不合作者就不断阻挠他的工作机会,最后发生了著名的十君子事件。本片就是根据这个历史事件拍摄而成。罗伯特·德尼洛饰演好莱坞名导演大卫·梅瑞尔,他在强大压力下仍不肯背叛朋友提供名单,呼应他的是名导演马丁·斯科塞斯饰演的另一位导演乔,他因不肯向非美委员会屈服而选择了流浪生活。
回复 :Antarctica lives in our dreams as the most remote, the most forbidding continent on Planet Earth. It is a huge land covered with ice as thick as three miles, seemingly invulnerable, cold and dark for eight months of the year. Yet Antarctica is also a fragile place, home to an incredible variety of life along its edges, arguably the most stunning, breathtaking and still-pristine place on earth. The one constant is that it is constantly changing, every season, every day, every hour. I've been fortunate to travel to Antarctica many times; most recently with 3D cameras, a first for the continent. The result is our new film, Antarctica: On the Edge.