日韩A daring portrait of a middle-aged disabled man in pursuit of intimacy.
日韩A daring portrait of a middle-aged disabled man in pursuit of intimacy.
回复 :这是讲述关于两个孩子Periya Kakka Muttai(Vignesh)和他的弟弟Chinna Kaaka Muttai(Ramesh)的故事。他们从小在一个贫民窟长大,以偷铁路站的燃煤为生。母亲(Ishwarya Rajesh)生产他们时,他们的父亲则在监狱里。他们和这里的其他孩子一样都有自己的梦想。他们想尝一尝新开的比萨饼店的美食。而他们对这家比萨店的好奇心是因为这家店是由泰米尔的明星Silambarasan开的。他们决定通过各种手段进入这家高档比萨饼店,并用自己的钱买一份披萨。他们的愿望会成功吗?
回复 :DISTURBING THE PEACE is a story of the human potential unleashed when we stop participating in a story that no longer serves us and, with the power of our convictions, take action to create new possibilities. DISTURBING THE PEACE follows former enemy combatants - Israeli soldiers from elite units and Palestinian fighters, many of whom served years in prison - who have joined together to challenge the status quo and say "enough.' The film reveals their transformational journeys from soldiers committed to armed battle to nonviolent peace activists, leading to the creation of Combatants for Peace. While based in the Middle East, DISTURBING THE PEACE evokes universal themes relevant to us all and inspires us to become active participants in the creation of our world.
回复 :《兄弟难当》是由恒瑞影业摄制出品,淘梦网独家发行,张猛执导, 杜歌、伊洪涛、郭少杰、孟岗、川子、张涛、雅琪等主演的一部友情题材电影,讲述了一群不同身份的江湖儿女诠释“兄弟”二字的故事。当今社会,兄弟二字的真正含义已经被人淡忘,曾有人笑说,兄弟是用来出卖的!军旅出身的杜歌,对于情义尤为看重,因此有了兄弟难当一首红歌,但是为了让大家更直观的感受兄弟情义,兄弟难当电影,应运而生。《兄弟难当之我是杜歌》影片以友情的角度,诠释着一群硬汉的热血青春,杜军(杜歌饰),耗子(赵鹏杰饰),曲子(郭少杰饰)兄弟三人开了一家小饭馆,没想到昔日仇家森哥(伊洪涛饰),前来寻仇,好兄弟受伤入院,森哥的羞辱,一次次的打击让硬汉杜军彻底撕掉了柔弱的外衣,裸露出凶悍的獠牙,吹哨子摇旗,昔日兄弟再聚,一群热血男儿的友情岁月,再度引燃!