回复 :飞云镖局的二当家姚仙在三年前因在押镖的途中遇到一个少年被众人追杀,心生怜悯之心而救了这个少年,也因此得罪了武林黑道。从此之后镖局经常失镖,而飞云镖局的生意也越来越差。三年后的今天,同样是二当家押的镖又被黑道劫走,并抓了二当家的,此时一位壮士出手相救。回到镖局后才知这位壮士正是二当家当年救下的少年君不悔,君不悔现在已是身怀绝技,并愿意同飞云镖局一起抵挡外侵。原来君不悔所练也正是失传多年的盖世神刀“傲爷刀”。
回复 :Tania is an actress, 43. Thore is 15, a misfit in a small village at the northern tip of Germany. At the beginning of winter, Tania escapes from her numb life to the village. They meet. She decides to steal him from his parents.The actress Tania travels from Munich to a village in the north of Germany. The skies are grey, just like the sea and the wintery plains. Her feelings are also covered in a grey veil of mist. Her painful past makes it impossible for this forty-something to feel anything at all.The arrival of the stranger is immediately noticed in the tight-lipped community, but she is hardly welcome. Only the teenager Thore, whose imagination is too much for this no-man’s-land, has contact with her. A fragile band develops between them - attraction, rejection and occasionally sexually charged. Thore reveals a need in Tania, one she didn’t know she had. She decides to ‘steal’ Thore to come to terms with her own loss.Rough is a directing debut filmed with great poise and with a sharp eye for this beautiful yet slightly depressing landscape and the people who inhabit it. The camera first functions as a detached observer, then as an accomplice, always very close to Tania.
回复 :显然,片子片名来自1996年阿诺·施瓦辛格主演的《蒸发密令》。应该翻译成《蒸发密令:重生》吧?