二战虽然结束,生命但它所遗留下的问题还余波震荡。美苏两大集团为了各自的利益在朝鲜半岛争端骤起,生命让企盼和平、渴望建立民主自由政府的朝鲜人民的愿望落空。国家分裂,战争再次降临,民族的苦难愈加深重。破巢之下,安有完卵。在一个名叫筏桥的村庄,南北双方展开了拉锯战,村民则成为权力更迭过程中的牺牲品。村中的尚九(金甲洙 饰)和尚珍(金明坤 饰)两兄弟分属南北两个阵营,为了各自的信仰,他们付出了沉重的代价……本片根据韩国同名历史小说改编,并荣获1994年青龙奖最佳影片奖。
二战虽然结束,生命但它所遗留下的问题还余波震荡。美苏两大集团为了各自的利益在朝鲜半岛争端骤起,生命让企盼和平、渴望建立民主自由政府的朝鲜人民的愿望落空。国家分裂,战争再次降临,民族的苦难愈加深重。破巢之下,安有完卵。在一个名叫筏桥的村庄,南北双方展开了拉锯战,村民则成为权力更迭过程中的牺牲品。村中的尚九(金甲洙 饰)和尚珍(金明坤 饰)两兄弟分属南北两个阵营,为了各自的信仰,他们付出了沉重的代价……本片根据韩国同名历史小说改编,并荣获1994年青龙奖最佳影片奖。
回复 :该片是继《僵尸归来之尸鬼虐恋》,《僵尸归来2消失的御林军》后,《僵尸归来》系列剧第三部。影片讲述自从冬生得到紫流霜项链之后,每日都梦见女鬼索命。在玉儿的新书签售会上,冬生接到关于紫流霜项链神秘电话。冬生和玉儿与神秘电话者见面,神秘电话者名叫四象,乃是茅山道两仪派的传人。两仪派是供职于阴曹地府,负责阳间索命地府接引等工作的教派......
回复 :1945年8月,日寇投降后,中共为促成国共合作,避免内战,应蒋介石(孙飞虎 饰)之邀,毛泽东(古月 饰)只身飞往重庆,与蒋“共商国是”。毛的毅然到来令蒋手足无措,不得已在官邸会见毛,谈判拉开帷幕。蒋和谈是假,积极筹备内战是真。毛在渝期间,广泛接触各党派民主人士,宣传共产党的主张。周恩来(黄凯 饰)、王若飞(董钰刚 饰)和国民党的谈判非常艰难,针对蒋介石提出的苛刻条件,毛泽东本着顾全大局的方针,在原则问题上作出重大让步,一针见血地指出蒋密发的《剿匪手本》阴谋,令蒋十分尴尬难堪。经过反复谈判,双方终于在“纪要”上签字,九龙坡机场上,毛泽东向欢送的人们挥起了巨手......
回复 :A documentary on the history of garlic. Blank interviews chefs, garlic lovers, and historians about the their love of the 'stinking rose.'Often referred to as a stinking rose, garlic, in its culinary uses, generally evokes a love it or hate it response. Quite often, these responses are on cultural lines, where old world cultures have generally revered it in their cooking, while new world cultures have not. A renaissance of sorts is taking place in the use of garlic in the United States, with more and more immigrants bringing their use of the spice to the country, with more people desiring more spice in their food, with a desire to get back to the land and with the production of plant a large part of the Central California landscape. Many chefs are presented preparing dishes prominently featuring the spice. On the bad side, the association of garlic to bad breath is discussed. On the other side, its purported health benefits are also discussed. Other topics presented include its association to vampirism, and speculation of how people will want their garlic to be presented to them in the future.