回复 :该片根据朱迪·布鲁姆撰写的同名小说改编,该书于1970年首次出版,讲述六年级小学生玛格丽特·西蒙(弗特森饰)对青春期有关的一切充满疑问,她在满世界寻找答案。她的母亲(麦克亚当斯饰)和外婆(贝茨饰)试图在这个一切都在发生变化的时期引导她。母亲和外婆也发现,人不会停止怀疑自己走的路是否正确,也不会停止思考生命中什么才是有意义的。萨弗迪饰演玛格丽特的父亲。
回复 :封建旧势力下,一个出身卑微的弱女子苏小小,虽然有着美丽的容貌和高雅的品性以及对爱情和幸福执着的追求,但始终摆脱不了以孟浪为首的富家子弟的欺压。当她将全部的感情托付于鲍仁而对他寄予希望时,她得到的却是忘恩负义。苏小小心灰意冷,最终绝望抱病含恨去世,被埋葬在钱塘江畔。
回复 :This film is an extremely entertaining psychological thriller with Carrol Baker excellent as a rich American widow getting away from it all at a secluded Italian villa. Enter smart aleck down on his luck playboy, Lou Castel, who has some golddigging motives behind his slick hipster seduction techniques and has no qualms about how he gets what he wants. He encourages Baker's character's incipient alcoholism and dubious self-esteem, brings in his supposed 'sister' to help drag Baker even further into a maze of sick mind games, drug addiction and group sex, all culminating in a descent into near-madness and self-destructive depravity.I won't give away anymore, suffice to say that the film delivers on its swinging sixties, Euro sleaze ambience and psychological suspense thriller credentials in spades. Director Umberto Lenzi's work has been, at best, uneven and he's churned out his share of crap. However, he made some quite good giallos and crime pictures in the sixties and seventies and this is one of them (other good films by Lenzi -- SPASMO, SEVEN BLOODSTAINED ORCHIDS, ASSAULT WITH A DEADLY WEAPON, to name only a few).Unfortunately this film is ofen confused with another okay but not-quite-as-good Lenzi film that was also released briefly here in America under the same PARANOIA title (but is more commonly known, especially on video, as A QUIET PLACE TO KILL).