回复 :Mavie is 27 years old and has just moved to the French capital from the provinces. She dreams of a future as a writer but is plagued by doubt and uncertainty. 76-year-old misanthrope Georges runs a bookshop in Paris – or has he merely been forced to take refuge there to escape his past? These are two peculiar creatures indeed. Georges is cynical and no longer expects much from life, while Mavie is still brimming with expectation. Yet something magical happens between them, until Georges' dark secret suddenly catches up with him – and Mavie is caught up in something very different...Director Elise Girard succeeds in making a dreamlike film full of surprising absurdities. It’s not just love that appears out of the blue for the two protagonists, but also some quite literal strange birds. Girard depicts love beyond the barriers of age in a way that is both unexpected and moving, romantic instead of physical, timeless instead of fashionable. The film reminds us of the multifaceted nature of love as well as how fleeting it can be, existing not yesterday or tomorrow but above all in the present.
回复 :根据美国棒运史上著名丑闻案改编,由约翰.塞尔斯编导,并客串演出体育记者林拉德纳一角。剧情描述芝加哥白袜队的八名球员,在一九一九年的世界杯棒球比赛中放水,藉以取金钱上的利益,而在幕后操纵整个事件的则是一群赌徒。全片以十分细致的手法追踪丑闻的来龙去脉,将美国球界的黑幕娓娓道来,加上一些精彩的棒球比赛场面,对喜欢棒球运动的观众而言具有相当高的吸引力。但作为一部剧情片,本片比较缺乏感情和剧力,因此未能发挥出这个事件应有的震撼力量。不过几位主角约翰.库萨克、迈克尔.洛克尔、查理.希恩、戴维.斯特雷泽恩等人的表演还是蛮精彩的。
回复 :莎拉•邓克利夫是一个有严重自杀倾向的孕妇。她即将生产但产前反应严重;年纪轻轻却嫁给了一个她不爱的男人;还有童年时悲惨的回忆,以及危险善妒的前男友都在不断纠缠着她,让她的生活痛苦不堪。就在这时,街对面搬来了一个奇怪的老头,引起了莎拉的好奇心,在她如一潭死水般的生活中激起了一点涟漪。随着和这位新邻居的相识相知,莎拉发现他绝非一个普通人,而是有着惊人的经历和秘密。一晚,前男友又来纠缠,丧心病狂的“捅死”了新邻居并威胁要杀死莎拉和孩子。曾经不止一次想投入死神怀抱的莎拉,此时不得不鼓起勇气拼命求生。