回复 :高一那年夏天,帆高(醍醐虎汰朗配音)离开位在离岛的家乡,独自一人来到东京,拮据的生活迫使他不得不找份工作,最后来到一间专门出版奇怪超自然刊物的出版社担任写手。不久,东京开始下起连日大雨,仿佛暗示着帆高不顺遂的未来,在这座繁忙城市里到处取材的帆高邂逅了与弟弟相依为命,不可思议的美少女阳菜(森七菜配音)。「等等就会放晴了喔。」阳菜这样告诉着帆高,不久,头顶的乌云逐渐散去,耀眼的阳光洒落街道……原来,阳菜拥有「改变天气」的奇妙能力……
回复 :舞狮在南方武馆非常流行,并自有其规矩,如果在舞狮中逾矩,则很容易引起武馆之间的争执。郑天寿武馆因舞狮遭到挑衅与陆正甫武馆结怨,另一武馆主黄麒英(谷峰 饰)与儿子黄飞鸿(刘家辉 饰)出面调停,却未起作用。黄飞鸿与郑氏武馆的王隐林(麦德罗 饰)互为好友,二人约定与第三方较量以便分出彼此武功高下,岂料王隐林之妹菊英(惠英红 饰)匆忙中造成误会,导致王隐林受伤,菊英又二话不说向洪飞鸿寻仇……这边的误会刚解除,陆正甫武馆的公子陆山豪用计将王隐林重伤,而陆正甫将之前打伤王隐林的精武门高手单雄(王龙威 饰)迎入武馆,图谋利用单雄的北派功夫打击黄麒英、郑天寿等武馆同行。此时黄飞鸿向陆正甫讨要说法,未知吉凶如何……
回复 :Civil War veteran Josiah Grey comes to a small town to be a gospel minister. In time he has a family and many friends, but he also finds friction with a few of his parishioners. A young doctor grates at what he feels is the parson's interference in the scientific treatment of patients, and a mine owner resents Grey's protection of an old sharecropper whose small plot of land stands in the way of his continued mining. Grey must face a public health crisis and a lynch mob as a result, all seen and described through the eyes and memory of Grey's young nephew John.