回复 :A straight-laced young woman, in fierce denial of being diagnosed with terminal melanoma, finds herself carried away on an impulsive adventure by a queer stranger.
回复 :Upon moving into her husband's childhood home to help take care of his elderly relatives, Jean Copeland, an emotionally withdrawn wife and mother of two, becomes embroiled in an affair with a suicidal lover. Her husband, Gordon, is oblivious, too busy worrying that he's losing his most prized possession, his mind, after a run-in with an ex-girlfriend he doesn't remember. 19-year-old, Priscilla, is a fashionista desperate to become a reality TV star, while 9-year-old crossword fanatic, Otis, has fallen in love for the very first time. Otis (played by Noah schanpp) falls in love with Caterina (played by Caroline Mills) after, well, forever. With Gordon's father, Theodore, fading into dementia, and 95-year old matriarch, Vivian, desperately clinging to control of the house, the six family members, at five stages of life, distill the dreams, worries, and regrets, of contemporary America.
回复 :本片是德国名演员爱尔简宁斯步入影坛后主演的第一部名作,也是德国最早期影评人出身的导演埃瓦邦编导的第二部作品。当年的德国电影大多受民族情绪影响,不断在电影形式和心理分析的问题上打转,以至影片的风格呈现出沉重的压力。埃瓦尔杜邦在本片却重新回到戏剧性的高潮和活泼流畅的摄影机运动上做文章,使整部影片充沛地发挥出正剧应有的角色生命力和感动观众的人情味。当然,菲利克斯霍廉代尔的原着小说故事感人也功不可没。剧情描述杂耍班演员赫勒是表演空中飞人的台柱,但因其妻帕特娜人到中年而发胖,无法再上场表演,夫妻二人乃到汉堡一家专门为船员演出的杂耍班谋生。一名无依无靠的年轻姑娘菩尔特常随水手来看杂耍,赫勒让她尝试登台表演歌舞,竟然大受欢,但勒赫真正念念不忘的还是恢复空中飞人的节目,乃刻意培训菩尔特成为他的搭档。在训练过程中,赫勒被菩乐特年轻动人的健美身材深深迷惑而无法自拔,并不惜抛弃妻子,双双私奔到柏林去。在柏林,赫勒成功地把菩尔特带上了一流的表演舞台,但他很快就发现她跟杂耍班的另一年轻空中飞人阿尔迪纳利发生了暧昧的关系。嫉妒得发狂的赫勒自知已无法把菩尔特抢回来,只有去谋杀阿尔迪纳利。当他成功地杀死情敌后,却感到无比空虚,于是到警察局自首,最后被判了无期徒刑。