回复 :年轻外科医生肖恩·墨菲(弗莱迪·海默 Freddie Highmore 饰)患有自闭症和学者综合症,他在著名的圣文德医院持续发挥卓越的医疗天赋,与此同时也在生活中不断成长。
回复 :韩卿(温茉言 饰)身为情感劝退师,受顾客委托调查其丈夫出轨,成为华京集团董事长冯斯乾(申浩男 饰)的私人助理,被迫卷入一场精心策划的阴谋。两人为寻找真相,从猜忌、试探到携手、互助、坦诚,最终找到婚姻本质,也找到了真我的爱情故事。
回复 :An Arab boy, Abdullah, loves his donkey, Bim, but another boy, Massoud, who also happens to be a prince, is jealous of Abdullah and his relationship with Bim, so Massoud steals the donkey and plays mean tricks on him, such as painting him and trying to cut his ears off. Abdullah tries to rescue Bim but is caught by palace guards and is imprisoned. Realizing Abdullah's love for his donkey, Massoud becomes ashamed of his meanness and frees Bim and Abdullah. However, the donkey eats Massoud's father's lunch and is taken to a butcher. Abdullah and Massoud try to rescue Bim from the butcher, but robbers get there first and steal the donkey along with the butcher's goods. The robbers escape to the sea, and Abdullah and Massoud stage one last rescue attempt with all of their friends to try to save Bim.