回复 :An old mirror from the haunted Long Island house finds its way into a photographer's family where the evil soon manifests itself to cause more terror and mayhem.
回复 :A tale of love and violence when a man on his emotional last legs finds a savior seductively dancing in a run-down strip club. And a life most certainly headed off a cliff suddenly becomes redirected - as EVERYTHING is now worth dying for.
回复 :铁蛋的媳妇二妞被发廊土豪一线天抢走!为夺回老婆,铁蛋踏上寻妻之路,远征上海滩。铁蛋必须大战浦口码头斧头帮,对决静安寺按摩院香艳春丽,斗舞人民广场灭绝师太,登陆硝烟弥漫的八仙桥菜市沙场,拜访精武门陈真以茶代酒唠家常,最后杀入和平饭店大乱战。功夫杀敌不困难,但铁蛋应该如何赢回二妞飘走的心?