回复 :“唐舒,和我结婚”“堂堂大老板要什么女友没有,偏要和我一个小小的设计师结婚,难不成一早就暗恋我”现在去拿户口本,马上去领证.....
回复 :海军陆战队出身的律师郑英雄,在替一个性犯罪者辩护时,因不齿嫌犯的行径,愤而离开了所属律师事务所,不久他招募了四位法律界出名的「怪脚」–活沷开朗而又善解人意的大女孩朴贞雅;冷傲无比,能言善辩的名门之女尹珍;少年得志的崇拜金钱主义者崔将军;人称「会行走法律条文」的韩统领。这五个问题律师成立了一另类而充满情趣的「法村」律师事务所……
回复 :Death of a Stranger—When a tramp dies fleeing from fox hunters, the investigation uncovers a trail of murderous deceit.Blue Herrings—A series of deaths at a nursing home causes the residents to suspect foul play.Judgement Day—Midsomer Mallow has a shot at the Perfect Village title, provided it can keep a murderer at bay.Beyond the Grave—Unearthly happenings in and around a local museum create an atmosphere of terror.