杨晨A woman and her daughter are in love with the same man, a chef at the restaurant that the mother manages. He is slightly crippled from frostbite in his years in Siberian labor camps and considers himself “already dead.”
杨晨A woman and her daughter are in love with the same man, a chef at the restaurant that the mother manages. He is slightly crippled from frostbite in his years in Siberian labor camps and considers himself “already dead.”
回复 :人犯宋泽在潜逃途中又杀害了一名武装警察,劫枪窜回某海滨城市。公安干警何磊奉命去抓捕宋。狡猾凶残的宋连连作案,女友李晓华规劝他投案自首。宋拒绝后,李仍为他购买车票,帮他潜逃。何磊找到了李晓华,在何的苦心劝告下,李说出了宋的去向。何磊率公安干警乘直升飞机追上宋所乘坐的开往 北京的83次列车,并在列车长的协助下登上了正在行驶的列车……
回复 :Two sisters vie for the affections of a man who may or may not be a vampire.
回复 :恐怖小说作家小艾(梅婷 饰)因为担心出狱的前夫齐崑(吴超 饰)要夺去心爱的儿子,带着五岁的儿子小辛到好友亦南(郭京飞 饰)的乡间别墅躲避,正好安心写完她的新小说。陪着妈妈写作的小辛无趣之中只好拿起画笔,整日画画。很快,各种离奇事件在古老的别墅里发生。小辛坚称认识了一个住在别墅里小女孩,这让小艾大感诧异,因为别墅附近方圆几公里都没有人;而创作陷入瓶颈的小艾在苦苦挣扎写不出一个字的时候,大段的小说文字鬼使神差的出现在电脑里,并且与小辛认识的神秘小女孩惊人相似。最终小辛的离奇失踪,彻底把小艾推向了恐慌和崩溃的边缘……