回复 :在上世纪八十年代的南部军事行动中,侦察班长胡小军(马跃 饰)身负重伤不省人事,如果不是护士范春晓(徐筠 饰)心思缜密,他险些被放弃治疗,胡小军醒转过来,可还是失去了右臂。胡小军自感成为废人,脾气日益暴躁,但范春晓始终任劳任怨的给予他照顾,胡小军爱上了这位善良的姑娘,可在他进入军校进修之前向范春晓表白之际,收到的却是后者的婉拒。胡小军为了不使在战场上搭救自己的两位战友白白牺牲,矢志献身一线岗位,拒绝了回原籍担任高级干部的安排,用一只左臂完成了军校的学习任务,被分配到武警部队担任连指导员,再度和当年的战友合作,开始了自己在和平年代的再度拼搏……
回复 :When an encounter with the swinging scene has an unexpected impact on David's impotence, Alice thinks she might have found the solution to all their problems, but the poly-amorous world is a difficult place for a love story to flourish.
回复 :"I want to be yours tonight..."Three men from a social club get together for intimate reasons, then a cute and sexy girl happens to fall in front of them!'A sexy and rich' guy who has to go to the military giving up his school credits, 'a loser' who just got discharged dreaming of heated love and 'a goose father' who hasn't had sex in forever, join a paragliding club for other reasons.A hot and sexy girl appears in front of them and the three hyenas convince her to go to an overnight paragliding trip with them. Who will be the winner? This girl playing hard to get causes the three to shake and they start doing anything they need to get her to spend a night with them...