回复 :乔(华金·菲尼克斯 Joaquin Phoenix 饰)有着非常悲惨的过去,他的父亲是一个暴力狂,总是无端对乔和他的母亲(朱迪思·罗伯茨 Judith Roberts 饰)施以拳脚。如今,乔和母亲过着相依为命的生活,有过参军经历的他在退伍之后成为了联邦调查局的探员,之后又开始干杀手的勾当,“经纪人”约翰(约翰·道曼 John Doman 饰)打理着涉及到乔工作的方方面面。某日,一位州参议员找到了乔,希望他能够去拯救他的女儿妮娜(叶卡特琳娜·萨姆索诺夫 Ekaterina Samsonov 饰)。刚开始,乔只把它当做是一个寻常的任务,但随着时间的推移,乔渐渐在其中发现了猫腻,并且开始怀疑起了州参议员的真正动机。
回复 :《人生典当行之三世乾坤》讲述了在现代都市中的各个阶层的人群,在生活中遭遇到的种种问题的时候,来到本真书吧寻求帮助,书吧老板光年作为噎鸣的使者,在后土的化身仁慈的指引下为帮助不同人得到了他们自己不同的结局……
回复 :Barbara (Larissa Manoela) and Talia (Thati Lopes) decide to exchange in the US. They have no idea of the obstacles and cultural shock. Barbara who always dreamed of visiting NY discovers they'll be living in the Town of Woodstock, NY. Two hours north of New York City. Accustomed to the comforts of her mother's home. Barbara now has to get accustomed to doing household chores and act as a nanny for her sponsor, a stern Sheryll (Kathy-Ann Hart). While Talia who is defiant and free spirited is staying with a patriotic and conservative couple. These two girls befriend Brad (David James), an American flight attendant who loves Brazil and Lucas (Bruno Montaleone), a Brazilian who works at Ski Station. A ski resort not far from Woodstock, NY. Despite difficulties, these friends find love and friendship while living unforgettable moments.