回复 :A story about four children living in a Mumbai slum in India. An eight-year old Kanhu writes a letter to the Prime Minister after a dramatic incident with his mother. A small boy has to achieve the impossible.
回复 :The community that was exploited by the town's influential man, who completely rules due to the powerful backing of the authorities. A man collects evidence to flip him upside down when he was helpless to stop his endless torture.
回复 :香港便衣警探陳傑與同事去泰國度假,結識一泰國少女珠瑪,珠乃巫師之女,愛慕陳傑英竣勇武,求得乃父乃古所捕困之魔神像之助,取秘孳給陳傑服用後,情性大變與珠瑪結下一夕緣。傑返香港後,珠瑪思念不已,竟盜取神魔像,追蹤來港找尋陳傑,想重續情絲,陳傑因妻子李蕙懷盈待產,且對珠瑪並無愛意乃加以拒絕。珠瑪無奈,但又不想放棄,柔求救於魔神,魔神教以施法遙控,使陳傑變性,李慾見狀,乃求修道居士崔空明設施解,將魔法解...