国产A group of college freshmen pledge an exclusive fraternity but soon realize there's more at stake than they could have ever imagined.
国产A group of college freshmen pledge an exclusive fraternity but soon realize there's more at stake than they could have ever imagined.
回复 :悲惨的过去让十二岁的男孩查克(尼克·斯塔尔 Nick Stahl 饰)比同龄人多了一份成熟与稳重,在他的内心里,能够就读死去的父亲曾经待过的学校是查克最大的心愿。一次偶然中,查克遇见了名为麦克里欧(梅尔·吉布森 Mel Gibson 饰)的男人,刚开始,麦克里欧那张狰狞可怖的脸庞吓了查克一跳,然而,随着时间的推移,查克渐渐了解到,原来麦克里欧曾经是一名老师,为了救自己的学生而容貌被毁。查克和麦克里欧,两颗充满了孤独的心灵越靠越近,相互取暖,就在这时,对查克毫不关心的母亲格劳丽娅(菲·马斯特森 Fay Masterson 饰)突然开始关注起查克的一举一动来,她对麦克里欧的过去讳莫如深,同时禁止查克再同他有任何的来往。
回复 :汤姆.伯兰吉尔监制主演的电视电影,题材比较冷僻,但导演克雷格.巴克莱仍然掌握住这个真实故事所具有的戏剧潜力,一方面拍出宗教族群的特殊人际关系,也适度表现了谋杀故事的神秘惊险气氛。故事描述一名摩门教的独自修行信徒,发现了西部教会的领导人布里格姆杨和其他长老将会被敌人阴谋杀害,于是尽一己之力来保护他们的生命。主演过不少宗教巨片的查尔顿.赫斯登以七十二岁的高龄演出摩门教的领袖,六十七岁的詹姆斯.科伯恩则饰演其中一名长老。
回复 :Ten years ago, Ginny (Toni Gonzaga), an Architecture student, and Marco (Piolo Pascual), a History professor, began a one-of-a-kind and unpredictable love story. In the five years that they were together, they brought out the best in each other, which included Marco's unrealized dream of becoming a chef. Together, they worked towards their dream of opening up a restaurant, but when Ginny realized her own pursuits were different from his, she rejected his wedding proposal and left the country for a Masters degree in Architecture. At present, Ginny co-owns a one-stop Architecture and Interior Design firm specializing in Restoration. She receives an email from Marco, which was written and sent after their break-up, meant to be read four years later. It makes her feel even more regretful of leaving the love of her life. When their firm receives an offer to restore an old house into a restaurant, she is ecstatic to learn that Marco will be co-owning the restaurant. She takes this as a sign...