国产A medical student suffering from sleep paralysis finds herself plagued by a demonic entity, after moving in with her boyfriend.
国产A medical student suffering from sleep paralysis finds herself plagued by a demonic entity, after moving in with her boyfriend.
回复 :Cindy (Sara Drust) returns to her family home after the death of her father to settle some disputes. Seeking comfort, she is joined by her boyfriend and friends, however, she soon discovers that the house hides a terrible secret, one that will put them all in danger…
回复 :影片聚焦中国维和警察鲜为人知的生死时刻!应联合国请求、受国家派遣,余卫东(黄景瑜 饰)、杨震(王一博 饰)、丁慧(钟楚曦 饰)等维和警察肩负神圣使命,远赴异国他乡,深入战火纷飞的任务区执行维和任务。他们将要直面恐怖袭击、武装暴动、黑帮横行等种种险境,维和行动刻不容缓……
回复 :故事描述拿破仑从不名一文的炮兵上尉到声势显赫的第一执政,从一心复国的科西嘉居民到傲视全欧的法兰西皇帝。这位千年一遇的非凡人物掀起了那个时代最为迅猛的狂澜,他的战争艺术、果敢坚毅、博学多识、传统守旧、风流多情等。