回复 :A man named Salem escapes from an insane asylum where he was confined for an axe-murder. Falsely convicted under a plea of "guilty due to insanity", he does not plan to let his sister and her husband forget that they were responsible for the murder of a farmhand and for his cruel imprisonment in the asylum.
回复 :在美国学生组织的一起关于反战和争取民主的学生革命运动中,马克(马克•弗雷切特 Mark Frechette 饰)和同学、老师一起被当局逮捕,在愈演愈烈的双方对抗中,马克打死了一名警察,当局即刻展开对他的追捕,马克在机场偷盗了一辆小型飞机后开始了逃亡之旅。在商业公司当秘书的达莉亚(达莉娅•斯普莱林 Daria Halprin 饰)正驱车前往菲尼克斯,途径沙漠的时候恰巧被马克发现,他从空中向她扔下一件红色的衣服。两人结伴同行,达莉亚答应开车带马克去找汽油,他们于路无话不谈,马克告诉她自己的那些革命经历,在一处名为“扎布里斯基角”的荒地里他们疯狂的亲昵。飞机加满油后马克将飞机画上奇怪又明艳的图案,并与达莉亚愉快地分手。达莉亚继续开车前往菲尼克斯,却收到了马克被警方击毙的消息……
回复 :Women's rights attorney Gloria Allred takes on the biggest names in American culture as coverage of sexual assault allegations in the media become more prevalent.