回复 :该剧改编自“推理女王”阿加莎克里斯蒂的小说,讲述一名母亲澄清自己的罪名、找出真相的过程。金允珍在剧中饰演女主Ms.Ma,她被诬陷杀害了自己的女儿。郑雄仁在剧中饰演刑警韩泰奎,他在新人时期负责了Ms.Ma事件,现在是40代独身刑警,在Ms.Ma从治疗监护所逃出后,顽固地追踪她的下落。因为他顽固的执着,对Ms.Ma而言,他就像是《悲惨世界》里的警长沙威一样的存在。他在后辈刑警的帮助下,追踪着Ms.Ma的下落。
回复 :Detective Inspector John Rebus is a hard drinking, unkempt, womanizing police officer whose job is his whole life. He is the most senior and most experienced DI at his station. He has a mysterious past that his partner DS Siobhan Clarke learns about from time to time through various comments Rebus makes. She is a young woman who wants to succeed, but does not have much of a personal life. She feels being paired with Rebus jeopardizes her career because of his unorthodox methods, but she is also fascinated by the man and is extremely loyal. DI Rebus' boss is Chief Superintendent Templar, a woman who was one of Rebus' lovers in a distant past. Their relationship is now one where they barely tolerate each other.
回复 :该剧讲述Annie Walker(PiperPerabo)是一名尚在训练中的初级间谍,最近突然被中央情报局「提拔」为外勤特工。她出众的语言才能或许是上司看重的一个原因,但那不是最主要的--她的上司似乎对她曾经遇到过的某个人(前男友)更感兴趣。Christopher Gorham扮演一个为中央情报局效命军事情报特工,在一次任务中失去了双眼。他是Annie的导师兼行动负责人。Anne Dudek扮演Annie的姐姐,一位有两个孩子的母亲。KariMatchett扮演中情局特设特务机构「国内保安局」(Domestic Protection Division)的负责人。PeterGallagher扮演她的丈夫Arthur,中情局另一个特设特务机构「特勤局」的负责人。 [1]该剧集测谎、动作、美女、斗智、枪战于一身,金发美女带你看她的间谍双重生活,精彩连连,惊心动魄。