精品Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown is an American travel and food show on CNN. Its premier date was April 14, 2013. In the show, Anthony Bourdain travels to places that are unknown to most people.
精品Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown is an American travel and food show on CNN. Its premier date was April 14, 2013. In the show, Anthony Bourdain travels to places that are unknown to most people.
回复 : 《滇味·生活》系列微纪录片将遍访云南16个州市的美食江湖,挖掘藏于山野之间的美味,和隐于市井的家常菜,为您展现26个民族用时间和匠心锻造的高超技艺;感受以味道和人情酿就的绵长乡愁。每期发现一种独特食材,展现一种烹饪手法,讲述一个温暖故事,勾勒一幅多民族融合共生的云南美食地图。
回复 : 2023年藏历水兔新年联欢晚会。
回复 :《show me the money》>是自2000~2004年< Hiphop the vibe >之后,时隔十多年Mnet展示的Hiphop节目。在rap版因