回复 :著名小说家塔希尔·瓦齐尔正面临写作困境,他遇到了崭露头角的作家麦图·马瑟。她是他的超级粉丝,寻求他的指导。绝望的塔希尔决定把她的故事写进他的下一部小说。广告电影助理帕斯正在策划一些邪恶的事情来摧毁塔希尔和他的亲信。他会成功吗?塔希尔能写出他的下一本畅销书吗?一切都在8章中展开!
回复 :A comedy trivia quiz based around pop music, originally hosted by Mark Lamarr up to October 2006, currently hosted by Simon Amstell. Te am captains Phil Jupitus and Bill Bailey (who replaced Sean Hughes in May 2002) are joined each week by different music stars. Popular rounds include one where team members have to identify song intros hummed to them and another where a bygone music star has to be picked out of a line-up of lookalikes.• Season 8Episode # Air Date# Guests8-01 26/Feb/01 Brian Molko, Rhona Cameron, Pete Deveraux, Sarah Cawood8-02 05/Mar/01 Tania Strecker, Brian Harvey, Dave Mustaine, Arthur Smith8-04 12/Mar/01 Slash, Tony Blackburn, Josie D'Arby, Paul Marazzi8-03 16/Mar/01 Have I Got Buzzcocks All Over8-05 19/Mar/01 Claire Richards, Michael Greco, Miles Hunt, Junior Simpson8-06 26/Mar/01 Dane Bowers, Glenn Tilbrook, Darius Danesh, Vic Henley8-07 02/Apr/01 Noel Sullivan, Kym Marsh, Mark Owen, Johnny Vegas8-08 09/Apr/01 Steve Harley, Eddie Brill, Dani Filth, Lisa Rogers8-09 16/Apr/01 Barbara Dickson, Rowland Rivron, Phil Kay, Jade Jones8-10 23/Apr/01 Fish, John Taylor, Jo Caulfield, Jon Lee8-11 30/Apr/01 Leo Sayer, Samantha Fox, Leeroy Thornhill, Ralf Little
回复 :《波士顿法律》是美国ABC电视台的重头戏《律师本色》(The Practice)的姐妹剧,它讲述 Alan Shore 为一家律师事务所工作期间发生的故事及案件。故事集中在波士顿的一家高级律师所里,主要以民事诉讼案件为主。这些聪明的代理人必须处理法律允许他们做和该如何对抗他们不能做的。 当基本上尝试的时候,他们将会面对社会的和道德的议题。 这难解幽默感的系列究竟把我们带到怎样的故事里?《波士顿法律》不是那么传统的剧集,它是著名法律剧the practice的延伸,但却迅速找到了自己的位置。讲述律师事务所里的众生相以及审判室的诡计和兄弟会男孩的滑稽剧boston legal今年在金球奖最扬眉吐气的,首推以「Boston Legal」拿下影集类最佳男配角的威廉薛特纳,薛特纳过去最让人记得的角色就是《星际旅行:原初系列》(Star Trek:TOS)里的舰长Kirk。