:A comedy trivia quiz based around pop music, originally hosted by Mark Lamarr up to October 2006, currently hosted by Simon Amstell. Te am captains Phil Jupitus and Bill Bailey (who replaced Sean Hughes in May 2002) are joined each week by different music stars. Popular rounds include one where team members have to identify song intros hummed to them and another where a bygone music star has to be picked out of a line-up of lookalikes.• Season 14Episode # Air Date# Guests14-01 05/Jan/04 Kwame Kwei-Armah, Terry Hall, Brandon Block, Dave Fulton14-02 12/Jan/04 Alice Cooper, Katie Melua, Tony Hadley, Jane Moore14-03 19/Jan/04 Lisa Maffia, Mike Lewis, Dave Johns, David Grant14-04 26/Jan/04 Alistair Griffin, Carol Decker, Tony Wilson, Jimmy Carr14-05 02/Feb/04 Lionel Blair, Mikey Green, Tommy Scott, Gareth Jones14-06 09/Feb/04 James Redmond, Sheila Ferguson, Jill Jackson, Crispian Mills14-07 16/Feb/04 Dara O'Briain, Fatman Scoop, Gary Jules, Wes Butters14-08 23/Feb/04 Fish, Stuart Maconie, Bernie Nolan, Ryan Richards14-09 01/Mar/04 Lynsey Brown, Raghav, Martha Reeves, Adam Duritz14-10 08/Mar/04 Rich Hall, Amy Winehouse, Mike Peters, Fearne Cotton14-11 15/Mar/04 Carrie Grant, Asher D, Kenny Lynch, Mark Joseph
:1947 年美國的 Roswell 正是全世界最注目的地方,美國軍方以氣象氣球的撞毀來解釋這個不可思議的事件。時間很快地過了四十年,四個從外星蛋殼中孵化,並混有人類 DNA 的外星人出世了。他們是外太空某星系的後裔,為了逃避戰亂而來到地球,務求在某天能夠有機會再次返回母星。擁有正統皇室血統的 Max、他的妹妹 Isabel、他的保標 Michael 以及他的妻子 Tess 本過著低調及平凡的生活,但 Max 為了搶救被槍誤打中的女同學 Liz 而暴露了外星人身份,從此他們便與 Liz 及她的好友 Maria 及 Alex 等人於 Roswell 中逃避及對抗他們種族的敵人 ...本劇集於 1999 年在美國開始播放,以外星人的元素來反影及描寫青少年在成長上所面對的各種問題,雖然此劇得獎不多,但其受歡迎程度不弱,尤其是以女歌手 Dido 所唱的主題曲已賣得滿堂紅。本劇於 2002 年播影完畢,合共有三個季度。