双重时间Two art thieves have stolen the famous "Black Square" of Russian painter Kasimir Malevich. They plan to meet their clients on a cruise ship to hand over the looted art. However, things are not going quite as planned..
双重时间Two art thieves have stolen the famous "Black Square" of Russian painter Kasimir Malevich. They plan to meet their clients on a cruise ship to hand over the looted art. However, things are not going quite as planned..
回复 :美国爆发xb疫情,科学家束手无策,历史上曾有人治愈过该病,无奈资料被毁,科学家们只得使用时间机器回到过去寻找,不料却遇到了1871芝加哥大火灾。。一部伤感的经典科幻片,正大剧场好像播出过
回复 :本故事讲述了善良的快递员秦奋因一次豪宅的送货经历,被地主会发现,就此打赌,赌金钱能否改变这个良善的青年。因此卷入了一场每天都会收到100万的人性游戏中。一夜暴富的秦奋在从穷小子成为大富翁的过程中一步步迷失自我后找回初心的故事。
回复 :被称为“韩国硅谷”的板桥遭到核弹袭击。根据韩国政府的指示,某风险企业的家族成员决定在自家地下室躲上两个星期。一天天过去,地下室的生存愈发艰难……