回复 :A cave in of a local canal tunnel under restoration reveals the skeletons of eight individuals. While most of the skeletons are from a cave in when the canal was under construction in the 19th century, one is obviously of a more recent vintage. Dental records identify him as Eric Edwards who was reported missing in 1965. Supt. Barnaby delves into the history of the canal to see if he can find a connection. DS Troy is over the moon when he learns that he has qualified as a Detective Inspector and that there may be a job for him in another county. In what may be his last case in Midsomer, he follows up on an anonymous tip that teenagers are harassing a local hermit, Tom. When one of those teenagers is shot through the head, Barnaby leaves "Inspector" Troy in charge of the case.
回复 :根据李正明的同名小说改编,以朝鲜宫廷画室图画署为背景,讲述朝鲜时代天才画家申润福的故事。朝鲜正祖时代,王宫画室图画署的生徒厅竟然发现了描绘女人的越格画卷。教授金弘道查明犯人是宫廷画员申汉枰的儿子申润福(文根英 饰),尽管惊讶于他的天赋和才华,然而润福还是不可避免地面临着被逐出图画署的命运。幸有亦师亦友的金弘道(朴信阳 饰)欣赏和保护,几经波折进入图画署的正式画员,其后两人受国王之托追查十年前的连锁杀人事件。而10年前,申润福的父母无辜遭到杀害,自己也被申汉枰收作养子。润福爱上了汉阳最美的艺妓贞香(文彩媛 饰),而她却要被迫下嫁商人金兆年做妾。同时弘道发觉自己对同是男性的申润福产生了特殊的感情。而随着情节的展开,多年以前的杀人事件逐渐露出了端倪,申润福的秘密也渐渐被揭开……
回复 :修炼时长二半,我终是没有突破练气期!九转开天功我练到了九百转,我真不是绝世高手!到底以为包办婚姻,竟然到了她上门退婚!我被赶下去了山,必须强制要和人联姻!