回复 :A history of Scotland is, like as the name says, about Scotland's history. The first episode takes us through how Scotland was created and why its role in one of the greatest wars helped define Britain in the modern era. The second episode revolves around two front figures in Scottish history, Alexander II and William Wallace, and how they shaped Scotland. Episode three takes us to Robert The Bruce and his fight for Scottish independence and how the church promoted his cause. Episode four takes us to how the Stewart's caused a divide in Scotland between the Highlands and the Lowlands. And episode five revolves around the unification of Scotland and Britain during the reign of Mary Queen Of Scots.
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回复 :小学时期,游泳部的四名成员在毕业前的游泳比赛中夺冠,之后他们毕业的毕业,出国的出国,四人分道扬镳。时过境迁,就读岩鸢高中的七濑遥(岛崎信长 配音)和好朋友橘真琴(铃木达央 配音)升上高二,他们与昔日的游泳部成员之一叶月渚(代永翼 配音)重逢。三人回忆起小学时光,约定到曾经的游泳馆去。在废弃的游泳馆里,他们居然遇到了归国的松冈凛(宫野真守 配音)。意料之外的是,昔日战友凛性情大变,还对遥发起挑战,结果遥输给了他。遥、真琴和渚决定成立游泳部,经过多番努力后,终于招募到了新成员龙崎怜(平川大辅 配音),他们以县大赛冠军为目标,进行紧张的集训。另一方面,凛所在的鲛柄学院游泳部也在为大赛作准备。他们约定,要在赛场上决一高下。充满激情和活力的游泳部,在这个夏天,开始了关于友情与青春的Free!故事。