回复 :蜜雪拉(桑德拉·惠勒 Sandra Hüller 饰)自小就体弱多病,然而即便如此,她还是决定进入大学学习深造。父亲卡尔(伯格哈特·克莱斯纳 Burghart Klaußner 饰)十分支持女儿的决定,但母亲马瑞安(伊摩根·蔻格 Imogen Kogge 饰)却对此持有反对意见。最终,蜜雪拉还是成为了大学校园中的新鲜人,在那里,她遇见了名为史蒂夫(尼古拉斯·瑞肯 Nicholas Reinke 饰)的男子,第一次,蜜雪拉体会到了爱情的甜蜜。在一段平静有序的日子过去之后,蜜雪拉旧疾复发,奇怪的声音和神秘的身影频频在她周围闪现,神父兰道尔(Walter Schmidinger 饰)甚至怀疑蜜雪拉被恶魔附身了。当一位名为波切特(Jens Harzer 饰)的神父决定举行一场驱魔仪式之时,事态的发展开始失控。
回复 :Jodie Comer (Killing Eve) makes her West End debut in the UK premiere of Suzie Miller’s award-winning play.Tessa is a young, brilliant barrister. She has worked her way up from working class origins to be at the top of her game; defending; cross examining and winning. An unexpected event forces her to confront the lines where the patriarchal power of the law, burden of proof and morals diverge.Prima Facie takes us to the heart of where emotion and experience collide with the rules of the game.Justin Martin directs this solo tour de force, captured live from the intimate Harold Pinter Theatre in London’s West End.朱迪·科莫(Jodie Comer)将借4月15日起在哈罗德·品特剧院开演的独角戏Prima Facie实现她的西区首秀!她扮演的女律师出身工人阶级,通过自身奋斗成为了行业中的佼佼者,而她遭遇的一场性侵将给她的人生带来强烈冲击。
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