欧美William Shatner sits down with scientists| innovators and celebrities to discuss how the optimism of "Star Trek" influenced multiple generations.
欧美William Shatner sits down with scientists| innovators and celebrities to discuss how the optimism of "Star Trek" influenced multiple generations.
回复 :集合了亚洲各地10位当红名模,由MaggieQ监制,包括台湾甜姐儿林志玲都入镜的“LoveAsia”DVD,于24日起全亚洲同步发行,“LoveAsia”由新加坡时尚摄影师LeslieKee掌镜,在度假胜地马来西亚兰卡威、吉隆坡等地拍摄,充满夏日风情。林志玲在当中展现琴艺、小秀舞蹈,以及与众名模们至PUB狂欢的幕后镜头。
回复 : Love True pushes the documentary genre further into new realms as it looks into the opposing realities of the "True Love" fantasy. Does our view of love change as we grow older? How do we make decisions about our love lives? Is there such a thing as true love? Are there invisible partners in our relationships? Past ghosts of ourselves? The film's reenactments of significant past experiences and glimpses at possible futures, created with non-actors playing the characters' older and younger selves, encourage the couples to confront the realities of their hopes and memories, and the effect they have on their love lives.
回复 :保罗·贝坦尼导演处女作,影片由其妻子詹妮弗·康纳利和“猎鹰”安东尼·麦凯主演。汉娜和塔希尔来自两个不同的世界,从没想过彼此的相遇。当他们的生命意外交叠时,两个世界在纽约街头擦出火花。然而,在光鲜亮丽的纽约隐藏著这群无家可归、流连于街头的生活点滴。导演写给1970年代的纽约最真挚的情书,诉说著失去、爱、牺牲、救赎,最终得到希望的故事。