播放Chris is a psychic who lives his life out of order - experiencing past, present and future as a jigsaw puzzle. But when he commits a murder in the future, he has to change his past and present in order to prevent it from happening.
播放Chris is a psychic who lives his life out of order - experiencing past, present and future as a jigsaw puzzle. But when he commits a murder in the future, he has to change his past and present in order to prevent it from happening.
回复 :一家健身房里几个男子的生活悲喜录:有单身宅男追女记;有广告创意总监的外遇诱惑;也有女友未婚先孕的花花公子;更有音乐才子的迷惘人生。总之,各有各的欢笑与苦痛,看的人或爆笑,或唏嘘,或感慨,或动容。节奏明快,故事曲折,多线索并行发展的叙事结构,犹如一副徐徐展开的画卷,观者可以将朝气活力的都市青年的精彩生活一览无遗。
回复 :斯波尔丁·格雷是美国著名喜剧家,无论在银幕还是舞台上,他都以招牌式的滔滔不绝而著称。于是斯蒂文·索德伯格为这位大师级“喷子”提供了一次“说个够”的机会。全片从头到尾是格雷的独白,主要围绕他治疗自己罕见眼疾的艰辛历程而展开。《格雷的剖析》可被视为关于病痛与死亡的自省沉思,而在电影方面则是次开拓性实验。
回复 :Features fiercely protective Indian immigrant mother Zarna Garg in action.