莓视Kath and Donnie are celebrating their 2nd year anniversary in Japan and decides to end their relationship when the trip ends.
莓视Kath and Donnie are celebrating their 2nd year anniversary in Japan and decides to end their relationship when the trip ends.
回复 :巴顿(约翰•特托罗 John Turturro 饰)是纽约的一名优秀的编剧,他的剧本刚刚在百老汇得到认可,好事便接踵而来。好莱坞的一间电影公司邀请他到当地创作一部关于摔角的B级片剧本,于是,巴顿便来到了好莱坞。巴顿租住在一间破败的旅馆中开始了他的创作,无奈灵感却迟迟未光临,他陷入了巨大的苦闷当中。更不幸的是,此刻,巴顿隔壁的房间里发生了种种怪事,使他犹如置身于人间炼狱,脑海中不时浮现出种种荒诞可笑的幻象……
回复 :女娲诸神启动“封神计划”颠覆商朝统治,安排了九尾妖狐上身美人妲己前来惑主。纣王帝辛不服神旨逆天而行,建摘星楼登天问道与神博弈。在煎熬的斗争过程中,纣王日渐倾心妲己专宠无度,并受申公豹挑唆残害忠良,比干挖心也难谏忠言。纷乱之中,百姓苦不堪言,姜子牙助四方诸侯剑指朝歌,纣王携狐妖妲己共抗天命。一场横跨人、神、妖三界的战争史诗拉开序幕……
回复 :The seminal question of land and the displacement of Adivasi (Indigenous) Communities in India. All the governments that have ruled the nation made laws that denied the indigenous people their way of life and their land often, protecting crony capitalist interests. It revisits an episode of dissent in the 90s which brought up this question amongst us. A history forgotten.