回复 :由江苏省广播电视总台网络产品部和上海宽娱数码科技有限公司联合出品的《火焰蓝,只为你着迷》以趣味化、平民化和个体化的语态讲述新时代消防队伍365天,24小时不打烊守护一方平安的故事。本片全方位展现新时代消防员们临危不惧、勇往直前、逆向而行的“火焰蓝”精神,还原神圣职业光环下的一个个血肉之躯,普及消防知识,唤起并提高全社会的安全意识。
回复 :An immensely powerful and nuanced portrayal of a family torn apart over a little Muslim boy's future.
回复 :Medeas is a daring and lyrical exploration of alienation and desperation through the intimate observation of a family's inner lives and their relationship to each other and their environment. Without moral judgment, it probes the boundaries of human behavior and the lengths to which people can be driven for love and self-preservation.