爱情A deranged writer murders a maid after she resists his advances. The writer engages his brother's help in hiding the body, and then watches as the brother becomes the prime suspect.
爱情A deranged writer murders a maid after she resists his advances. The writer engages his brother's help in hiding the body, and then watches as the brother becomes the prime suspect.
回复 :
回复 :★《麻醉风暴》副导演首部长片,颠覆想像打造台湾灵异惊悚电影新篇章!★ 金马影后提名吴可熙、金钟视后及金奖影后提名杨丞琳、金马最佳女配角丁宁三后同台飙戏!★《同学麦娜丝》《角头–浪流连》金马奖最佳男配角提名郑人硕深情演出!★《老师,你会不会回来?》暖男是元介化身火爆重案组刑警!★ 文化部年度优良电影剧本佳作惊悚推理改编!⧔ 剧情简介 ⧕解不了的谜,破不了的案,就靠…灵语刑警志凯(是元介饰)奉命调查一起无名儿童连环箱尸命案,同时,他在国小任教的姊姊美珍(吴可熙饰)在放学时发现女儿惨遭歹徒绑架,志凯与搭档嘉强(禾浩辰饰)私下展开紧急救人行动。在查案过程中循线追踪到美珍的前邻居明城(郑人硕饰)与慧岚(杨丞琳饰),意外发现他们的女儿也已经失踪一年,案情胶著找不到任何线索,几乎成了破不了的悬案,两起看似毫无关联的案件背后似乎隐藏惊人的连结。时间一分一秒过去,外甥女命在旦夕、连续箱尸命案案情扑朔迷离,只有鬼魂知道真相,走投无路的志凯只能求助师姑曾白石(丁宁饰),她拥有特殊体质能够接收「灵语」,而一桩桩悬案的关键线索,是否能借助「灵语」抽丝剥茧找到骇人真相…。
回复 :Nine translators, hired to translate the eagerly awaitedfinal book of a bestselling trilogy, are confined in a luxuriousbunker. When the first ten pages of the top-secret manuscriptappear online, the dream job becomes a nightmare – the thief isone of them and the publisher (Lambert Wilson) is ready to dowhatever it takes to unmask him... or her.A suspenseful, edge-of-the-seat whodunit that will keep youriveted till the very end.