回复 :主要讲述民国时期,广西边远村寨里年仅十岁的韦氏姐弟俩父母被恶徒杀害,躲进深山。十年后,回村欲杀恶徒,为父母报仇,但是仇家却侥幸的躲进进山寻找生化武器成份的日军队伍里。韦氏姐弟为了复仇和“回家”与日军斗智斗勇、殊死奋战,最后在游击队的帮助下,成功炸毁日军据点。
回复 :卡米拉(诺薇米·洛夫斯基 Noémie Lvovsky 饰)和埃里克(萨米尔·盖丝米 Samir Guesmi 饰)相识在十六岁的碧玉年华,相知、相爱,一路走来顺风顺水,两人是朋友和亲人眼中的佳偶天成。结婚后,卡米拉生下了一个可爱乖巧的小女儿,一转眼,曾经的少年少女已为人父母。时光荏苒,二十五年的漫长人生挥洒在弹指之间,随着时间的流逝,爱情之光日渐暗淡,终于,埃里克遇见了另一个令他心动的女人,他选择背弃了多年来风雨同舟的卡米拉。12月31日夜晚,当所有人都沉浸在迎接新年的快乐气氛中,只有卡米拉一人为自己落魄的生活而黯然神伤,而在一瞬间,卡米拉发现自己竟然重新回到了16岁那年,一切都倒退成为了青翠欲滴的模样,包括她和埃里克之间的爱情。重新站在时光的起点,这一次,卡米拉会做出怎样的选择呢?
回复 :In the age of social media, this eye-opening documentary examines the rising phenomenon of “fake news” in the U.S. and the impact that disinformation, conspiracy theories and false news stories have on the average citizen. The film focuses on several high-profile made-up news stories in recent years with real world consequences, including the infamous “Pizzagate” case, the disinformation campaigns that influenced the 2016 presidential election, the Jade Helm conspiracy, and others. Drawing from exclusive verite access and interviews with a variety of experts, as well as purveyors and targets of misinformation, the documentary sheds light on how post-truth culture has become an increasingly dangerous part of the global information environment.