名门While The Union keeps on invading and taking over the United States of America, Chase is having a hard time opening his mind to his team.
名门While The Union keeps on invading and taking over the United States of America, Chase is having a hard time opening his mind to his team.
回复 :荒城幸也,大概14岁。平常一个人在做DJ。因为受到父母的影响,从小开始就一直在听House Music……也经常上传音乐视频。想要向某人传达些什么。想要受到认同,想要成为必要之人。但很害怕受伤。有什么地方不和谐的日常……某天,为了增加点击数而做的事情,却成了无法挽回的事态。来自“那个世界”的直播。以此为契机,我被人给盯上,被卷入了人们的愿望和心意的漩涡当中。独自一人束手无策的状况……但是,只要有谁和我一起的话——。
回复 :有一天,拉拉的宇宙软糖盒里飞进来一只不可思议的神秘生物,小光给它取名“优玛”,这只生物无法用语言沟通,但似乎对歌声有着不可思议的神奇反应。然而这时却有一伙邪恶的宇宙猎人盯上了它,光之美少女们为了保护它与敌人展开了激烈的战斗……
回复 :While still trying to adjust to her new role as the Princess of Friendship, Twilight and friends follow a map to a village where the inhabitants mysteriously have no talents and are equal in every way.