红衣1908: Pascali, a spy for the Sultan, sends reports to Istanbul that nobody reads. His suspicions are roused when a British archeologist appears, who may not be quite what he seems
红衣1908: Pascali, a spy for the Sultan, sends reports to Istanbul that nobody reads. His suspicions are roused when a British archeologist appears, who may not be quite what he seems
回复 :Based on True Events: An Asian American Hacker investigates a website that creates torture videos. He becomes the unwilling sidekick for the sinister mastermind behind it, who changes his life in horrible ways.
回复 :一對離亂中的男女受盡折磨,幾經辛苦,唐琪(林黛)得知男友張醒亞(關山)下落便放棄歌女生涯,由天津跑到重慶找他。但醒亞嫌她墮落風塵,對她奚落一番。又與校花美莊(丁紅)訂婚,後來做了戰地記者。平津戰事告急,醒亞赴台逃難中鎗留醫,美莊背棄他。醒亞萬念俱灰……。此片是影后林黛去世前最後的作品。
回复 :這部挑戰激情與忠?#092;的青春豔情片,改編自經典名著小說《危險關係》,而本片也是《危險關係》第四度被搬上銀幕。目前這部片則是將《危險關係》的背景,改編到現代的最新的青春巨片,由現代的青春巨星來擔綱,向觀眾再一次闡述這精彩的故事,賣點依舊是青春亮麗的俊男美女。