回复 :电视剧《第九个寡妇》,根据严歌苓同名畅销小说改编。故事以上世纪二十至四十年代为背景,讲述了中原地区传奇寡妇“王葡萄”及身边的男人们在面对战乱、天灾、人祸时所体现出的屈而不折的民族生命力。王葡萄与孙怀清的父女情,与青梅竹马恋人孙少勇的爱情,与李秀梅、淘米儿寡妇间的姐妹情, 构成了这个传奇寡妇悲欢离合的一生。
回复 :《使女的故事》第三季于2019年6月回归,共有13集。第三季主要讲述June在送走自己的第二个女儿Nichole之后在基列国的行动,她被分配到Lawrence大主教家中担任使女;在新的一季中,她通过与Lydia嬷嬷和Lawrence大主教的斡旋,以及和许多盟友的合作,酝酿着一个令人震惊的计划……
回复 :Maxwell Smart is back...And Loving it! And so is Agent 99, The Chief, Fang and the rest of the fearless Get Smart gang. Here is the legendary, Emmy Award-winning spy-spoof series inspired by the comic genius of Mel Brooks and Buck Henry, digitally restored, remastered and brought to you on DVD. Get Smarts unforgettable third season is a must-own collection of quintessential television comedy, from its very first episode- in which Max and 99 face down the KAOS “League of Imposters”- to the hilarious hippie send up “The Groovy Guru”, voted one of the 100 best TV episodes of all time. Now you can join the agents of CONTROL in 26 classic episodes on 4 DVDs, including the Emmy-Award winning episode “Maxwell Smart: Private Eye”, and featuring guest appearances from Joey Bishop, Carol Burnett, Johnny Carson, Don Rickles and many others.