回复 :Based on a true story. Two fighters of 'Donbas' Volunteer Battalion get locked inside city of Ilovaysk after regular Russian army enters Ukraine and shells the surrounded divisions of Ukrainian Army in qigou.cc the infamous would-be 'green corridor'. The fighters survive thanks to the help of the locals and manage to break out through the front line to reach the freed territory. Taras Kostanchuk who is playing himself as 'Beshoot' is that same Donbas commander who is the prototype of the story. Half of the actors and extras are real 'Donbas' volunteers who survived the battle.
回复 :此片讲述二次大战期间,在英军驻北非的军营里,一名残暴的指挥官为维持个人自尊而故意用非人的刑罚来惩戒违犯军规者,终于使一位不甘被其虐待的军人挺身而出与之对抗。导演悉尼.卢曼特以火爆性十足的手法来处理这个 “人与制度对抗"的故事,压力逼人而来,肖恩.康纳利在此演出了他的最高水准,是悉尼.卢曼特的名作之一。但本片拍得相当乾涩,娱乐性亦不算太强。
回复 :纪录片《她认出了风暴》将以电影《黄金时代》为起点,将历史上真实的萧红以及她的文学创作,乃至当时的中国文学特别是左翼文学的历史状况做尽可能完整的描述和还原。描述女作家萧红跌宕起伏的人生经历,她的作品、她的爱情以及她所处的那个波澜壮阔的时代。再依靠丰富的电影拍摄花絮、对主创深入的采访、专家的解读,在电影、历史、历史人物与明星演绎之间自由穿梭。历史(真实的萧红)和现实(电影的拍摄)将会作为两条始终贯穿的线索,彼此映照、彼此关联、互相支撑、互相交织在一起,共同构建一个弥合了时空间隔的完整结构。