无码The young daughter of a politician runs away due to lack of attention. She hides in the car of two not too bright crooks who are slowly converted into parent figures as the police web closes down on the supposed kidnappers.
无码The young daughter of a politician runs away due to lack of attention. She hides in the car of two not too bright crooks who are slowly converted into parent figures as the police web closes down on the supposed kidnappers.
回复 :《电话》骨折女孩侑真(李彩英 饰)百无聊赖待在家中养伤,这天她偶然收到一个镜子的快递,之后通过手机和某个陌生男子聊天。聊兴正酣,她给对方发去一张自己的照片,而对方则回过来一模一样的照片,并声称就在她的身边。《奶奶》爸爸妈妈赶着去上班,而每天都准时过来照看孙子楠楠的奶奶却没出现。无奈之下,爸爸只得让楠楠待在粉笔画的圈子里不准出去。少顷,没有影子的奶奶来了,领着孙子回到自己家中。《电影》某剧组正拍摄名为《冥国1932》的鬼片。傲慢的女主角珍妮乱发脾气,财大气粗的制片颐指气使。正式拍摄时,饰演女鬼的女孩允儿声称看到鬼影而吓晕。片场鬼影幢幢,人人胆战心惊。
回复 :From Malaysia's thriving indie scene director Dain Said crosses cultural and genre boundaries in his latest film. Both realistic and stylish, Bunohan is a complex story of murder, passion and haunting memories for three estranged brothers and their ailing father.
回复 :《梵高》(Van Gogh,莫里斯-皮亚拉,1991年/158分钟/彩色。一部关于绘画创作的激动人心的影片,表现了著名画家梵高生命中最后67天的非常经历,也剖析了画面自伤自杀的异常行为,正是在精神疾病的严重困扰中他完成了《向日葵》等惊世之作)