回复 :
回复 :这部三集剧集将带领观众深入了解世界上最优秀的网球运动员之一大坂直美的生活。我们对大坂直美进行了空前深入的访问,并了解到,在这意义非凡的两年内,她在继续从事运动工作的同时,也开始寻找自己的声音。无论是捍卫自己的大满贯头衔,戴着面具捍卫黑人的生命,还是为失去导师科比·布莱恩特而哀悼,亦或是寻找自己的独立性,个人和社会层面中的双重挑战向直美席卷而来。本剧以富有人情味的方式,记录下大坂直美忙碌的训练和旅行日程,从而了解到她所承受的重重压力,并跟拍了她在场外与亲人和密友相处的时光。这些剧集还记录了大坂直美的环球历程,进一步探索她的海地根源,以及她与所代表的国家日本的深厚联系。作为一名年轻运动员和冉冉升起的领袖,当大坂直美把握好自己的多重身份时,观众将看到她毫无掩饰的诚实和脆弱。
回复 :Allegra dreams of being part of the Eleven O'Clock musical theater company and becoming the star of "Freaky Friday", a play that consecrated her grandmother years ago. Grandmother Cocó is a living legend in the world of musical comedy and has a complicated relationship with her daughter Caterina, Allegra's mother. Allegra's life is completely altered when she finds a mysterious bracelet in her home that sends her back to 1994, the year Caterina was her age and took her first steps in Eleven O'Clock while living in the shadow of Cocó, a star. at the peak of his career. By learning about her mother and grandmother's past, Allegra will not only help heal the wounds and bring the family together, but she will also discover that while the past cannot be changed, there is a lot to learn from it.